
【演講】物理系109.11.16 專題演講-呂宥蓉博士

【 專題課程演講Physics Colloquium 】

◎演講者(Speaker):呂宥蓉博士 (Dr. Yu-Jung Lu)
中央研究院應科中心 助研究員/台大應用物理所 助理教授
Assistant Research Fellow, Research Center for Applied Sciences (RCAS) /
Assistant Prof., Department of Photonics, National Taiwan University

◎講 題(Topic):Perovskite-based Plasmonic Nanolasers

◎日 期(Date):109年11月16日(一) Monday, 16 Nov. 2020

◎時間與地點(Time/ Venue):16:10~18:00 理一講堂A108 Lecture Theater (I)


In this talk, the presenter will present an overview of her research works on the plasmonic devices in the recent years, such as plasmonic nanolasers and tunable optoelectronic modulators. She will also discuss the current status and the challenge of the nanolasers.